Luncheon Sponsor - WASRG 2015 Symposium

  • 05 Nov 2015
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Morton's The Steakhouse


Registration is closed

Sponsorship opportunities for the 2015 WASRG Symposium Luncheon are now available for purchase online. The Symposium will be Thursday, November 5, from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Morton's The Steakhouse.

Our featured speaker is Nathan Gonzales, Editor & Publisher of The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report.

Symposium Luncheon Sponsorship - $300 (unlimited number available) includes:

  • Logo inclusion and acknowledgement on signage at the Symposium as well as in all promotional materials/communications;
  • Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship at luncheon;
  • Ability to distribute promotional material/give away to Symposium attendees;
  • One free Symposium registration.

Thank you for your support of WASRG!


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